181. Tribute

I heard a whisper this morning:

Sow only what’s meaningful in life,

Good memories for those left behind.

You can read posts of ajaytao2010 and pick up more inspiring words. Discover his insights and you’ll feel what I am talking about. His generosity seems boundless. Thank you, Ajay.


Here are my nominees:

elizabeth melton parsons

i didn’t have my glasses on

words that flow like water

laura crean author

barbara c rowe author


witlessdating after fifty

cindy knoke


the seeker

Keep the faith.


37 thoughts on “181. Tribute

  1. Wow, what an amazing list to find my friendlyfairytales on!! Thanks so much, Belsbror! I hope the fairies at the bottom of the garden keep a watchful and kind eye on you and yours. 🙂 Warmly, Brenda

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