182. Inception

When we start an endeavor like blogging, there are many aspects we think about to acquire appreciation from visitors. We create outlines and the step-by-step execution. These two, I think, are essential to realize our personal concept.

For ajaytao2010  to be a popular blog, creativity is one of its creator’s foremost feature. Almost every post seemed well thought out before it came out for public viewing.


Once again, I do appreciate his kindness for this award. His inspiration provides me the drive to continuously improve.

To the nominees, by accepting the award you are bound to provide your perspective on your creativity and your source of inspiration.

Personally, I feel my creativity comes from my genuine desire to tell any story based on my observations of life. Any ideas, past events and personal experiences can inspire me to write down my version as I see it.

My nominees are:

veraiconica’s blogs

glorialana’s blog

colorful life


the lena jacome weblog


we are all in the making

lens and pens by sally



Create and enjoy. 🙂


20 thoughts on “182. Inception

  1. Congratulations, you:being such a down to earth and creatively unique blogger in your own way deserve this without a doubt, Plus thank you so much, I started my blog as a creative community for everyone around the world to look, see and get inspired by creations all around the web and a lot of my own and It feels really awesome to know that people like you are there for support.

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