Achilles’ Heel

I failed my English subject’s first quarter test during my freshman year in high school. Understandably, the transition from public education to private was more of personal difficulties rather than the gap in quality. At the time, the divide was not as wide as in today’s standards.

Frankly, back then, I had never heard of idiomatic expressions, similes, alliterations, hyperboles and all those highfaluting words. Maybe I did but they were so scarce in my personal vocabulary that whenever I hear of them, I cringed.

Then, there was poetry interpretation. Have you ever experienced doing the motions of an activity you are so bored about but forced to do? Staring at my teacher with total concentration, I looked like a devotee of lyrical compositions. In reality though, I had no inkling what she spoke about, explaining lines in poems as if performing an autopsy to an ancient corpse.

Writing essays appealed to me more. However, the routine was never a priority in my teacher’s lesson plan that my only best side contributed little to my grade.

Grammar was the last nail to the coffin, so to speak. My confusion was complete that I kept using inverted sentence form. I always translated the vernacular into English as it was spoken. The result was a bit better than ape talk.

Fortunately, my grades in other subjects saved the day. The only red ink in my card was overshadowed by blank inks of above average numbers.


Denied Life

Animals belong to the wide spaces of their natural habitat, free to do what Nature has designed them: predators hunt while their preys flee, following the rule of survival of the fittest.

Animals do not belong in the concrete jungle. Animals who pretend to be humans, following the rule of survival of only those they see fit. Their selection process reigns supreme but without basis according to the prevailing rule of law.

I was appalled to watch a news segment this evening. Another college student, enrolled in a major exclusive school, fell victim to the selection process of animals looking like men. His lifeless body, battered, bruised and concussed, was given the full treatment of hazing.

Fraternity owed its history to the Greeks. (Sorority is the female version.) Their names, to this day, comes from combinations of Greek letters, reminding them of the illustrious origin of the so-called brotherhood. Its ideals pure, its goals humane, its vision notable. That was then.

The genuine meaning of brotherhood nowadays had lost its luster. Once violent activities dictate who should be in or out, the animal instincts of supposed leaders would be unleashed, taking charge of the lives of hopeful recruits whose primary wish is to be considered a new brother.

If you lead a fraternity, ask yourself, why hazing?

Truthfully, will you subject to physical, mental and psychological pain and suffering another person to test him of loyalty and dedication? Are you such a character of high esteem to screen people that should pass your standard?

Honestly, are you out of your mind?



No Trespassing! Private Property!

Whenever I see those four words in a sign board, I often wonder how land ownership came about. History books taught me about indigenous people, colonization, slavery, wars and independence. One way or another, these topics described how the shaping of our present day boundaries came to be.

There are even countries who not only claim land but the seas as well. If we follow their logic based on historical records they produced, a large part of the planet is theirs. Otherwise, like any country within the United Nations’ organization, every member nation should adhere to international law and settle for arbitration if need be.

Currently there are conflicts in many parts of the world where the question of land ownership is indirectly associated. There are several peripheral reasons that are hyped in the media but I think it all boils down to securing control of a particular spot in the contested zone.

Of course, the control of land (or sea) means control of natural resources underneath it. So every claim is based on economic agenda. Other than that are but smokescreens to hide the real motive.

And if we want to have an out of this world example, news agencies reported that some countries are trying to go to another planet and stake claim to it before others beat them to the race.

What if an alien race arrives to our world and stake their claim to our planet citing much older universal records? Should we bow down and surrender our rights?



We have a local saying that’s roughly translated as: The earth has ears, the news have wings.

When you mix envy, personal dissatisfaction, family embarrassment, lack of nothing worthwhile to do and just plain wickedness, you will possess the notorious qualities to start and spread gossip.

Contrary to popular belief that some women are the worst gossipers, many men will beat females to the title. And they have the ability to repel blame even if found guilty, using the power to coerce witnesses and stonewall any further inquiries why they did it.

Imagine a man, inebriated to the point he could not hold on to his tongue, claimed that he slept with another man’s wife. His drinking buddies, not all drunk as he was, could either believe the slur or not. If one of them decided to pick up the ‘news’ and confessed to his wife, there’s enough chance the leak would travel quick through the channels, ensuring full damage to the victims of such irresponsible lie.

In a society that has a malnourished view of what’s right and wrong, any information could be construed as true even if proven false in the end. Damage has already been done, seeding a germ of a doubt in the minds of people who patronized such juicy tidbits against others they probably envied, too

Even a successful demand for a recantation could not erase the damaging impression the lie caused. For the aggrieved, a strained relationship becomes an ordeal, often tearing a family apart, sowing distrust and suspicion, when in the first place there was none.

Meanwhile, the gossiper remained immune to the consequences of his deceit. Even if called a liar for life, he could not bring back time to purify the sullied reputation of his innocent victims.


Down the Drain

If you are a gambler, a 50-50 odds of winning (or losing) would appeal to you. Unlike other forms of gambling, cockfights offer this and more. This is also the reason why the little people becomes prey to this promise of immediate gain (or unfortunately a greater loss).

According to Wkipedia, it was during Magellan’s voyage of discovery of the Philippines in 1521 when modern cockfighting was first witnessed and documented by Antonio Pigafetta, Magellan’s chronicler, in the kingdom of Taytay. 

Called sabong locally, it is often considered a past time during fiesta celebrations. However, legal cockfights could be held at any time at any venue much like the illegal ones which are held in more secluded places to avoid raids from authorities.

Inside a cockpit, two roosters (cocks) fight it out to the death, each one has a small bladed knife attached to one of their legs. A sentensyador (referee) gives out the final verdict in every match while a kristo (literally translated Christ because of his outstretched arms) calls out wagers from the spectators while he smartly remembers them from memory.

Religious and animals’ rights groups want to ban the blood sport but without success. To add insult to injury, there is even a major event held annually for big time cockfighting afficionados that also includes foreign entrants.

However, nothing could be more frightening than what most poor people would do to reap winnings through cockfights. Besides the drinking routine, adding gambling as another ‘pastime’ would strain his already meager budget, limiting what’s little left to support a family. This is more akin to holding a stone in one hand and striking one’s head with it.

Sometimes I could not help but question: why resort to this risk taking that could only lead to possible financial ruin?


Rise Up

Given the chance to prosper, are you willing to work hard and sacrifice habits that pull you down?

Observing some of the older families here from the time I arrived up to the present, some had progressed materially. Overall, their standard of living was raised accordingly.

Former houses made of wood are now built of concrete. Dried cogon leaves (a type of grass) that were dried and used as roofing materials are seldom used now. Instead prefabricated tin sheets came into general use. New appliances populated the interior of more spacious houses.

On the other hand, there are others who are resigned to their static lives, housed in the same old styled huts and denied the amenities of modern living.

They had opportunities given them but then most of the heads of the families are contented to what we call locally as one-scratch-one-eat mentality, just like what free-range chickens do to survive. To worsen that, they cling on to the poor practice of drinking the night away. Instead of food for the table, money is spent on drinks.

The drinking is only part of the problem. The anxiety it brings to the whole family doubles if the drunk becomes violent. The culture sticks that in a matter of years, children grow to replace their fathers with similar behaviors. It is literally history repeating itself.

If you ask both groups, they will readily claim that they are satisfied with their lives. The former possesses the validation for such statement while the latter tries to sing the same tune just to hide the disappointment of not rising above the level of impoverishment.

It is always the children I am concerned about. It is sad that  they miss the opportunity for a better future when the parents that are supposed to mold them as responsible humans become their slaver to pin them down to a harsh life.



During a conversation, when asked for a comment, silence could have two possible interpretations. Either you agree and have nothing more to add or you disagree and too polite to contradict.

I have to deal with local people, many of whom lacked the global views I tried to discover. Theirs were often more concerned with domestic issues than think about what other events in other parts of the world could mean to them. Only when an international problem hits home is when they sit back and ponder the consequences that could affect them.

Our overseas workers are scattered all over the world, hundreds of thousands in the conflict-riddled Middle East. Some of the local residents have relatives working there. They are not nervous of what is happening in Iraq, Syria, Israel, Lebanon and other countries embroiled in violence as long as their loved ones live and work in the neighboring countries.

When I give them hints of probable scenarios, they remained silent, often listening with ears closed.

Someone asked me the other day: Why does the price of oil keep rising? He answered his own question by blaming the local oil cartel for the continuing hikes.

I remained silent. I would have loved to explain to him in  detail what I know but then it occurred to me that he could simply shrug off my long explanation without real interest as to the root of the problem.

I don’t want to be the messenger of bad news. However, sometimes I am compelled to say my piece, knowing fully well the cool reception I would get. It is only when what I had said came to fruition that they would actively listen for my analyses of what happened.




Except for American football and rugby, all balls are round. Figuratively, that sums up how sports provide entertainment and excitement to players and spectators alike.

Literally, all teams have equal chances of winning (and losing) even if there are great odds involved. We can cite statistics and play patterns but then we cannot predict lucky breaks and magical shots.

From my post Glory Lost, I listed eight teams that could enter the final eight. Only one (Italy) was my miss so far.

You might ask, “what’s the basis for my forecast?” Whispers. 🙂

Brazil vs Chile – A heart-stopper of a game. Brazil wins by one goal.

Netherlands vs Mexico – If the Mexicans can hold Brazil to a scoreless draw, they can knock out Holland with an upset via penalty shootout.

Colombia vs Uruguay – With Suarez suspended, the Colombians will have a striker less as a threat to winning comfortably. Two goals winning margin. (I guessed that Italy would top Group C so they could have played Ivory Coast. Both guesses were wrong.)

Costa Rica vs Greece – The Cinderella run of the Costa Ricans could stop as Greece finally finds its form. A win for either team in regulation.

France vs Nigeria – Not favorites to win the Cup, France would defy the odds by beating Nigeria first and its opponent next in the quarterfinals.

Argentina vs Switzerland – Messi-led Argentina could squeak past the Swiss.

Germany vs Algeria – The powerhouse Germans would waltz their way to the quarterfinals.

Belgium vs USA – The underdog would surprise the favorite. But Belgium could win it in a penalty shootout.

Remenber, as an avid spectator, I always consider the ball round. 😀


Jumping Jack

Before sunset I could only sigh while waiting for the power to be restored. Five consecutive days of predicting when an outage would happen, we began to suspect that this scenario would play out without adequate warning.

To amuse myself, while the kerosene-fed homemade lantern sat on the table top, ably lighting the quiet kitchen, I watched the antics of my two cats. (What do you call nearly identical cats, save for their age and tail difference? Failed clones?)

Two small grasshoppers and a number of high-flying moths became their targets. They actively ran and jumped after them with no success. Their humorous acrobatics proved more than enough to console me while forgetting a while the subject of my irritation.

The older cat did a vertical jump from the floor to the kitchen sink, a three-and-half foot leap that looked so effortlessly done. In my mind, if the cat could do it, why couldn’t I?

You know I hate using the word stupid but I think it’s allowed when it pertained to one’s action just like the nonsense of a stunt I was about to perform.

As you might guessed correctly, I risked for an accident to happen. I did not know why I did it but perhaps the thrill of victory was more influential than being safe.

Copying the cat’s feat, my left foot missed the ledge that I came down crashing hard on the cement floor. My two cats watched helplessly, their eyes wide with incredulity.

Aray!!!! (Sorry I cannot say it in English. It would lose its meaning.)

Not so much harm done. As you can see, I can still type. 😀

But, no more jumping for me in the meantime. I am not a lover of pain.


Hands Squared

Tired of sitting down for hours, I decided to stretch my legs and stroll through the orchard. I wanted also to rest my eyes by staring at the greenery. The respite could clear the short writer’s block I encountered earlier.

Walking barefoot, I was unfortunately struck by a natural splinter. It was one of the tiniest thorns from a crawling plant with that bashful pink flowers. And, it’s painful as hell when pressed deeper while walking.

I often hear the phrase, “Please be careful with my heart.”  As a reminder next time, I should say, “Please be careful with my feet.” It’s not funny because I spent half an hour removing the thorn that nearly paralyzed the rest of my work.

Sometimes, I could only imagine every permutation concerning human feet. Why not have claws like birds so we could hold tightly to something, or hooves like horses have so we could run faster or paws like those with cats and dogs? We could do away with walking erectly and be as graceful as animals do.

I remember that woman in the film Aeon Flux who had four hands. She intrigued me no end that I kind of thought how cool it could be like her. I could be eating while my feet which are hands too could be surfing the net, typing with ease while blogging. 😀

That would certainly be called multi-tasking. 😀